Our Impact

Adventures & Retreats specializes in curating experiences
because we believe in the intrinsic value and sensory benefit traveling
to natural environments has on reconnecting and reinvigorating ones day-to-day. Cemented in this belief, we are committed to leaving behind impact benefiting the people and culture of the areas visited.

The A&R Philosophy

Responsible Travel

Our guiding philosophy is to improve the welfare of local people and lands visited, combining luxury travel and local communities into a symbiotic life-changing experience for all parties involved.

Emphasis has been on community development and the empowerment of rural communities.

This empowerment starts with local guides, local training, and their dedication to spreading the importance of becoming global stewards in their communities and to our guests.

Our travelers are the critical first step in engaging the rest of the world and bringing them to wilderness areas that others call home. Our partnerships with local communities help promote and expand successful conservation and regeneration, by showing them the benefits of tourism and a curious mind.

Ongoing Initiatives:

Himalayas, Nepal ~ Youth-Linc; Waves for Water; Hands on Houses; Protecting borders and land of endangered Snow Leopards & Tigers habitats (led by Female Rangers)

Pijal, Ecuador ~ Sacha WarmiKuna Project (Women Led Business)

Northern Tanzania, Africa ~ Lake Natron Camp; WaterBoys.org (Clean Water initiatives)

Our partnerships with local communities help promote & expand successful conservation and regeneration.

Our Partners

We have been fortunate enough to participate in the following initiatives in the following places.